When new work methods need to be introduced, for instance, to meet new customer demands, business models, or management conditions, leaders play a pivotal role.
Mindset trains leaders to engage employees in the purpose and value of the new work methods, encourage ownership of processes, include employees, and eliminate obstacles.
Establishing ways of working takes more time than expected
Costs more than budgeted
Increased inefficiency during establishment
The impact of leadership
The establishment of new working methods tends to take more time and cost more money than expected. New roles need to be established, and old patterns need to be broken.
There is a looming risk that productivity, quality, and customer satisfaction will be adversely affected. As the establishment process drags on, costs also increase.
Research shows that a leader’s ability in communication, flexibility, commitment, holistic perspective, and resistance management directly impacts a successful implementation.
Mindset’s leadership training offers proven solutions that support both leaders and employees in overcoming obstacles and minimizing the risks associated with the establishment of new working methods.”
Big or small, we work with companies just like yours. Read about what our customers have achieved with us
Mindset delivers leadership training that is grounded in reality, by which I mean that it can be practiced immediately upon returning to work. Mindset keeps it practical and pragmatic all the way, from defining the need together, designing the training, implementing it and following up.
Anders Berge, Head of People and Organization at Peab
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Of leaders improve their business outcomes
Of leaders report sustainable performance over time
Increased employee engagement
Mindset’s Net Promoter Score (NPS)
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