Effective leadership training that drives higher performance.
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In today’s rapidly changing environment, businesses face a wide range of situations and challenges. Leaders are absolutely central to ensuring that operations are stable, responsive and development-oriented.
Appropriate leadership training gives leaders the support and power to face challenges and implement strategies. Mindset has the capacity to train leaders at scale and measurably establish desirable leadership behaviors that make a difference every day.
Mindset delivers leadership training that is grounded in reality, by which I mean that it can be practiced immediately upon returning to work. Mindset keeps it practical and pragmatic all the way, from defining the need together, designing the training, implementing it and following up.
Anders Berge, Head of People and Organization at Peab
Transformation means a fundamental change in the nature of the business
strategy, processes and culture for managing opportunities or
Streamlining optimizes business practices to increase productivity and reduce waste, while meeting customer expectations.
When an organization changes its strategy, it often needs new strategies.
business models are established. It often opens up new opportunities and
markets, but also poses risks and challenges.
Increased interaction leads to greater efficiency, innovation and effectiveness.
profitability. More integrated and coherent value chains running throughout the business reduce redundancy and inefficiency, improve the customer experience and respond more quickly to changes in the business environment.
When new ways of working need to be introduced, for example, to meet new
customer requirements, business models or management relationships, leaders play a central role.
Gold Certified Kirkpatrick Professionals
High Performance Learning Journeys Certified Professionals
Dagens Industri MasterGasell
Brandon Hall Group Awards
Effective leadership training that drives higher performance.
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A shared leadership that provides tools and methods to implement the strategy.
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6,700 employees need to change their safety behavior.
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The goal is to create “lasting behavioural change on capabilities that create real value on what really matters to Orkla and their customers”.
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Establish leadership that builds trust, delivers results and drives development.
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Enabling new business models, strengthening corporate culture and clarifying goals and expectations.
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Improve internal collaboration and increase the ability to lead in their value streams.
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Increased cross-border cooperation for better decision-making processes and greater business value.
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Effective leadership training that drives higher performance.
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A shared leadership that provides tools and methods to implement the strategy.
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Establish leadership that builds trust, delivers results and drives development.
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Enabling new business models, strengthening corporate culture and clarifying goals and expectations.
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Improve internal collaboration and increase the ability to lead in their value streams.
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6,700 employees need to change their safety behavior.
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Increased cross-border cooperation for better decision-making processes and greater business value.
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Take a closer look at the solutions we created for different businesses based on their challenges.